Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The hardest part is behind us

Brian has finished the 4th round of chemo and was released from the hospital last night. He is now officially half-way done with the chemo (hopefully, as long as they don't add more rounds). We can now optimistically say the hardest part is behind us and it is all downhill from here. He did really well with this 4th round and it went a lot more smoothly than the rest. He didn't have any allergic reactions and has only had a few bouts with nausea. This was by far our shortest hospital stay at only 4 days!! Since they released us so early we still have to go back everyday this week for outpatient tests and another lumbar puncture, but we definately rather do that then have to stay in the hospital longer. He is still in some pain and isn't feeling "normal" yet (whatever that is), but since the weather is so nice here we hope to be able to get out and go for a few short walks during the next few days. It's hard to stay couped up inside all the time especially when we are outdoor people.

Also, we have been working hard to get our dr schedule rearranged to where we will be able to come home for a few days next week. We are remaining optimistic that Brian's blood levels will be good and he will feel well enough to travel. It would be great just to be able to be in our house and sleep in our own bed for a change. I think a few days at home around friends could do wonders to recharge us for the 2nd half of treatment. No promises yet, but we are trying our best.

I think that is it, short and sweet. No huge news, but at least this gives everyone an update on how we are doing. God is continuing to watch over us and we have been incredibly blessed by how things have gone so far.


Mom said...

It IS huge news that Brian didn't have any reactions and that you're out of the hospital already. Maybe you two can get out and walk around enough to see where you're actually living . . . maybe sit by the pool a little while and think about your friends who are actually having winter weather! Love you both.

Anonymous said...

Amanda & Brian,
So glad the 4th round is over! It is great news to hear that everything went smoothly, and that you all may get to go home for a few days next week! You guys enjoy that wonderful weather down there while you have the chance.
I have been going to church at CenterPoint Church with John & Diane. I got the sweetest card from the church, and wanted to share it with you. They wrote me back that they prayed this week in their staff meeting asking God to continue to heal Brian of cancer, and also praying for loved ones who surrond & support him during this time, and that he is never out of God's sight. With love & prayers - CenterPoint Churh.
I think of you both each and every day, and so glad you have this blog to keep us to date on how you all are doing.
You are both in my prayers, and may God bless you both!
I do hope all the visits back to the hospital will go smoothly too.
Love ya'll, and God Bless!
Aunt Betty

The Mills Gang said...

Hey there...Its Jeff.. Mandy and I continue to pray for you both. I'm so happy to hear that you both are doing batter. I know you both have been so strong and there for each other. I hope you are able to make it back to Dallas. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to ask...Also, I'm bringing by dinner to you on Thursday night, unless of course you are up for meeting me for dinner...Ninfas??

Anonymous said...

We're standing in agreement for total healing. No more cancer spots! Love you, Uncle Joe and Aunt Linda.