Friday, April 25, 2008

The Power of Abbreviations - C.R.

Sorry it has taken me so long to update the blog this week but to be honest I was appreciating everyone saying "Happy Birthday" to Amanda so much that I didn't want to jinx it. This week was a pretty good week for Amanda and I. I was lucky enough to get a present right along with her. We found out the results of the needle biopsy this week and they are NEGATIVE.

Yes, the results were negative and this is great news for us. First of all I want to thank everyone who has been praying right a long with us. With the results being negative it means that the cancer is no longer showing up in the PET or CT scans. Yea! In talking with the doctors this week we learned a new abbreviation that nearly brought tears to our eyes when they said "He's C.R.". It took me a minute to figure out what they meant... in Complete Remission. :) Yes folks, the doctors are now referring to me as being in complete remission. This is great news for Amanda and I and it was great to hear. This battle has been long and arduous and it now appears to have an end in sight.

We're not done yet since we still have the last two rounds of chemo to do but barring any new anomalies in the final PET and CT scans we will be done with Houston in another couple of months or so. Some may wonder why we have to go through the last two rounds but it is to make sure that we get any of the last cancer cells in my body. It will make it harder to go through these rounds knowing that I am in remission but it could be worse. Actually it is getting a little bit easier on me, you see for every A round that I go through I would normally be in the hospital for 8 to 9 days. This time the doctors allowed me to do the final A round as an outpatient. This really made me happy to be able to sleep in my own bed, eat our own food, and relax at our apartment. We will have to go into the hospital every day but that is far better than having a grumpy lab tech waking you up at 4:30AM to get a blood sample. I also get to wear a backpack that will hold the chemo and a pump.

Overall this week was a great week for Amanda and I. We now see the light at the end of the tunnel and can't wait to start packing up to head home. With a little luck we should start packing in early June. Again, thank you to everyone who has prayed for my health over the last six months and I have to say that it appears God has answered all of our prayers. :)



Mom said...

What a blessing, Brian. I'm so extremely happy for both of you. It will be so good to have both of you back home soon. And we'll keep praying for the continued "C.R." Love you very much.

The Mills Gang said...

Brian - This has been a long time coming...I'm so happy to hear the news!! You guys stayed faithful to the Lord and each other throughout everything, and I have never met a more positive person through such adversity. This will only make you and Amanda that much stronger together. Obviously we will continue to pray for you both, but I am so happy for you you guys.

Anything is possible through Him, and you guys are a living example of His power.

God Bless- (Happy late Birthday Amanda)


The Iveys said...

God is amazing! Congratulations on the C.R. results! We've been praying so hard and we're so glad that all the prayers have been answered! We got chills just reading the words! Take care and we can't wait to see you both again!

Anonymous said...

What an answer to prayer! My family and church will continue to pray for you through the next to rounds and to see you safely home. We are so happy for you guys!
Sylvia Baker & family

Anonymous said...


CR... I think we have a new nickname for you?!

This is amazing news and I'm so happy for the both of you. Keep the faith and we'll all see you back in Dallas soon!


Tracy said...

Brian, that is the best news! I am so happy for you and Amanda to know that the light at the end of the tunnel is not a train! You and Amanda will continue to be in my prayers so you may stay in remission. God bless you and keep you!

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Good News, I wish you many eyebrows and eyelashes!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been away from the office, so just reading (1) about Amanda's birthday, so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY Amanda! Hope you had a nice day and (2) about the C.R.!! I'm so happy to have read such wonderful news. Congrats and hang in there. You're both very strong. We're rooting for you.

Anonymous said...

What amazing news! Coby and I have been praying for you guys constantly, and I can't wait to wake him up and tell him the good news! GOD IS GOOD!

Lauren said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have accomplished so much as you have endured months of chemo. Way to go to both of you. Amanda, I am so proud of you as you have shown such a sweet spirit of support for your hubby. Brian, I am proud of your courage and your ability to smile in the face of all of the horrible things you've been dealing with. You two are quite the pair and I'm glad to call you both friends.

Anonymous said...

This is AWESOME news. I can't wait to have you both back home. I am sure Allie Monster is counting down the days..... I will start cleaning your office so it has that fresh clean sent. I will also update your board.

Amy K