Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Round 3 here we come!!

We have had a great past few days. Brian has felt the best he has yet, with little side effects besides a headache. My old college roommate came down with her husband and son over the weekend to visit and with Brian feeling well we were really able to enjoy the time we got to spend with them. We were able to go out to eat, watch movies, play games, and just catch up on old times. It was a great distraction from the daily reminder of cancer and allowed us to have fun before coming back to the hospital again on Monday.

Brian had his dr appt yesterday to get the results from the tests he had last week and everything looked great. The first 2 rounds of chemo were able to kill 90% of the cancer!!! We knew that Burkitt's lymphoma is very aggressive and would react quickly, but we didn't know how quickly and what to expect. The dr showed us the scans of his body before and after the chemo and for the first time we were able to see exactly how bad it was when he was diagnosed. From the pictures, the cancer occupied his entire digestive tract (which explain why he couldn't eat before) and several other spots under his arm and in the stomach area. Now, after the chemo, there is a huge difference!! All of the spots are either gone or decreased dramatically. There are still several "hot spots" but they definitely aren't as large so you can tell they are reacting to the chemo. The lymphoma specialist even recommended speeding up the chemo process from starting a new round of chemo every 21 days to starting every 18 days. She still wants him to complete the standard 8 rounds of chemo to make sure they get all of it and don't leave any cancer cells to return. So besides knowing that the chemo is working and the cancer is decreasing, our treatment schedule won't really change too much. And since the chemo is what makes Brian feel horrible, he will still have to suffer through another 3-4 months of this. We felt great after receiving the results and were admitted into the hospital right away to get started on round 3. He began the chemo last night and as I'm writing this I'm in the recovery area with Brian while he rests after getting another lumbar puncture. After every procedure the drs recommend something different to try after the punctures to help with the headaches, so after he finishes the last one I'm sure we'll find something that works.

Even though we just came back to the hospital yesterday, it is already starting to wear on both of us. Brian gets very frustrated laying in bed feeling bad and it's hard on him feeling helpless. It's also hard when you are feeling better to come back into the hospital knowing that the chemo is going to make you sick and feel horrible again. He has the long chemo session this time, so we'll be in the hospital for 7-12 days before getting another break for a few days.

Brian and I also want to reiterate again how thankful we are to everyone and everything you are doing for us, whether it's praying, watching our house, dog sitting Allie, helping financially, commenting on the blog, or sending a card to let us know you are thinking of us, nothing is too small and we couldn't make it through this without all of you. THANK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Amanda and Brian; Happy New Year. I cannot imagine what you all are going through but your attitude and faith is admirable. You continue to be in our thoughts and prayers and we look forward to the day we can all go to Snookies after a softball game and have some cheese fries.
Take care and thanks for the updates.....Joe & Denise Pelletier

Unknown said...

Brian & Amanda - How great it is to hear that things are progressing well for you. I'm not going to piggy back too much on Joe's comments as both Tammy and look forward to hanging out for a post game celebration later this year. We wish you the very best in this New Year and can't wait to see you both soon.
Kris, Tammy & Andrew Tesch

Anonymous said...

This is uplifting news! I'm so glad to read the 90% of the cancer is gone...you and Brian are soldiers! Thanks for the update (it really made my day) and happy new year to you both!


Anonymous said...

As we say in New England - AWESOME! This is the best news anyone could ask for and I know that 2008 will be a great year. I'm so glad that Brian's cancer is going away. I will continue to keep both of you in my thoughts and prayers.

May God continue to watch over you.

Anonymous said...

Brian & Amanda,
So wonderful to hear the good news, and that the treatment is working! You guys hang in there, and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. You are both so strong, and I really admire you both so much. May God bless you both!
Aunt Betty

Meredith Lovitt said...

Brian and Amanda - What wonderful news! Your updates are truly inspirational. Both of you are so strong. We can't wait to see you back at work healthy and smiling again.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

May 2008 be filled with health, laughter, and joy!

Anonymous said...

We LOVE YOU GUYS!!!! Hang in there - stay strong & keep the FAITH!! Be so grateful that it is WORKING! 90% GONE!!! What a BLESSING! You have a MILLION people PRAYING FOR YOU!!! We think of you more than you know; We can't imagine what yall are going through, but know that we are here for yall no matter what!

Tonya said...

We are so glad to hear your great news-90%, GO GOD! we are praying for you and can't wait to see you. You are over half way there so stay strong and keep God close.
Love you guys,
The Blassingame's

Lena said...

Yea!!! :)
Happy New Year! I know this news is so exciting and encouraging for you both. Brian, hang in there with those punctures and the other necessities of it all. We're still praying for you daily and so are a lot of our friends here in Memphis. We love you and are happy to be able to share this wonderful news with everyone here. Hugs all around!
Lena :)

Lauren said...

AMAZING!!! I read your post the day you put it up and I've been obsessively checking every day since for a new update. I shared about you again with some of my mom friends. They specifically asked about how you guys were doing. I'll give you a call again soon.
Love you both!

Anonymous said...

I am still praying for you! Mom and I both are. That is great that the Chemo is working! YEAH.

Jamie said...

Just thinking about yall today and wanted to send you a note to wish all the best!! WE MISS YOU! WE LOVE YOU! WE PRAY FOR YOU DAILY!

Love always,
L,J & B

Anonymous said...


I'm so glad things are looking up. I look forward to your next post, but most of all I look forward to you coming to work CANCER-FREE!!! God is blessing you... Keep the faith.

We'll keep praying for you. Enjoy the Super Bowl this weekend. I'm sorry your Cowboys didn't get there. Maybe next year...

Robert Willeford