Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, and there were a lot of you, that wished me a happy birthday. I truly felt special and it was great to hear from all of you. Turning 30 can normally be a big milestone in someones life but it can be an even bigger one when you are surviving cancer. You put the two together and it makes you think about life especially how I have lived mine up until now. It makes me very grateful to have Amanda in my life and know that I couldn't go through this mess without her. I am also grateful to my family and friends that have supported me in so many ways. With all the support that I have received it has made going through cancer much more bearable.

We haven't updated the blog in a while because we are still dealing with the shingles on my face. As many of you know this can be quite painful and unfortunately I can't disagree. To me it feels like I have burned my face with a frying pan. We have been using pain medications and Lidocaine patches to try and manage the pain. It has even carried into my eye which has made wearing contacts impossible. Everyone that knows how blind I am and can attest to the fact that it would take something severe for me not to wear my contacts. Believe me this is one of those times. I have been to the eye doctor several times and they have assured me that this will pass and more than likely I will be able to wear contacts again in a few months. We feel that while my face is healing slowly it shouldn't stop me from going through my last round of chemo.

We should start my last round of chemo on Wednesday and should last about five days. You can't imagine how badly I want to finish this round and get the final testing over with. I would appreciate everyone to continue to pray for me and that I can finish my last round of chemo with little side effects. I need to get this done and begin to get back to a more normal life. Of course once we get back from Houston I know we won't go back to being normal. We're already looking at running small triathlon's together.

Again I appreciate everyone's comments and I look forward to writting the next update that can tell you that I am done with chemo. Talk with you folks soon!!!



Mom said...

Happy Birthday ~~~ birthday ~~~ birthday ~~~ (those are dancing motions.) Have you recovered from the birthday weekend yet. Now that you're an "old" man, it takes longer to recover from all that partying!!

Hope that last round of chemo is uneventful and that you two are on your way home REAL soon.

Love ya,
Pimp Guy

Lauren said...

Sorry to hear about the pain and annoyance of the shingles. That is a bummer!

I will continue to pray for you and can't wait to hear that you tow are headed home!

Donna Canada said...

I got your wonderful card today and just loved it! The silver coin is very special and such a thoughtful thing to send. It is especially meaningful since you have been carrying one like it with you, Brian. I have not posted in a long time, and I apologize. I have Autumn's laptop here, and I am just getting used to it. The last time I tried to get to your blog, I couldn't, so I'm slow in trying again.
I pray for you every day. I think of you often, and am so delighted with the C.R. title!
Keep your spirits up, and remember, now someone in California, is praying for you!

Redelsperger Family said...

I am so glad you are in remission! Hooray! Amanda-I hope to see you two next year at the reunion!

acanada said...

Okay, this is the Yates family writing time....=) I'm so glad you had a good birthday! I can't wait to see your next post either! That will be great. I am also looking forward to next years family reunion when we can all be there together! It's been too long! I love you guys! Take care and keep in touch! P.S. Amanda-I've loved your e-mails! It's so good to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

Ugh, Brian . . . no contacts! Bless your heart! I would be in such trouble without my contacts, so I can only imagine what misery that has been not to mention your pain. You are quite the trooper! Hang in there, Buddy; you can get through this, too. Trust me, you'll be home (your real home) and finding a new normal really soon. It's amazing how time flies even when you're not having any fun and even when you're only 30.

Love and prayers,

Jo (old apt 442)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated birthday! I had a feeling that I just missed it when I talked to you on the phone and I forgot to bring it up. I hope it was unforgettable. It's hard to imagine that you got 10 more years until you'll be 40! Yikes! It was so good to hear from you and I'm sorry I had no idea about you fighting cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Amanda constantly now. I have such high confidence that you are beating this and things can only get better! Hopefully I'll see you two soon!