Monday, March 3, 2008

Nothing New

We are still in the hospital as Brian is still on his 5th round of chemo. We should get out tomorrow or Wednesday and then have to come back for a few outpatient appointments later in the week. There really isn't anything new to report, this round has been a little easier on Brian than the rest. I guess his tolerance has been going up with each round that he really doesn't complain too much unless he is really in a lot of pain. He has been a little nauseous, but has still had enough energy to get up and go on small walks around the hospital. His blood counts have even been good, so that is an encouraging sign (even though they will probably drop really low later this week).

The highlight of this stay at the hospital has been discovering a new food court in the next building. We were so excited about our field trip and all the new food! Sounds sad, but hospital cafeteria food isn't exactly 5-star dining, so we were excited about discovering chinese, mexican, greek, and italian all within walking distance.

I guess that is it for now, short and sweet.


Anonymous said...

We are continuing to pray for you guys and are so thrilled at the 99% news you got! Let us know if there is anything we can do from here for you both! Love, The Iveys

Mom said...

What great news . . .cancer that's nearly gone and new food, too! Keep us posted on the non-responding spot under Brian's arm. Could they possibly do radiation on that area?? Love you much . . . and happy dining!

acanada said... food huh? I know what you mean about hospital food! Congrats! I hope Brians count stays good and that the rest of the week will hold nothing but encouraging appointments. Love, Hugs, and Prayers,
~Autumn & Damion

Tonya said...

We are praying for you!!!
Lot's of hugs,
The Blassingames

Bridget said...

We are so glad that you are doing better. I wanted to know if there is anything that you needed. I would love to bring you dinner or some books or something. Let me know if you need anything. My email address is
We are not very far from where you are at.

Anonymous said...

99% gone is awesome news! Good job kicking cancer's ass Brian-- I knew you were a tough hombre. Keep your chin up, you'll be home soon brother.
