Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We're back in the hospital

After a very nice, relaxing 4 days outside the hospital, we're back for round 2. Of course every time you come in to be admitted you have to go through the process of blood work, dr appt, then wait a few hours for a room to open up, so it turns into a very long day. Unfortunately there weren't any rooms open on the Lymphoma floor this time, so we are in a different area with different nurses, but everything seems to be going well so far. The blood work showed all his counts were at or above normal, so that is great. We did get the bad news from the dr that Brian is going to have to go through a lumbar puncture before and after every round of chemo, so that isn't good, but hopefully things will go better and he will have more drugs for the upcoming procedures (the lumbar puncture is what caused Brian's migraines before). We just got admitted to the room tonight, and they are going to begin chemo as soon as they can get it from the pharmacy and hopeful he will have a CVC line inserted Thurs or Fri. I think the chemo is going to last 3-4 days and we should get out on Sun or Mon if everything goes well.

These past few days have been great. Brian has been feeling good and has had minimal pain and I have been able to work quite a bit. We were even able to have a date night with an early bird dinner at Texas Land & Cattle Monday night so we could eat before it got crowded. Monday night is all you can eat sirloin, so I think Brian gained a few more pounds just to make sure he wasn't losing too much weight with the chemo. Each round of chemo is supposed to be tougher on the body and it should take longer after each time for him to recover, but we are still hopeful that his body will handle it well. There is even the possibility that we may be able to make it back to Dallas for a few days for Christmas. Of course it all depends on how he feels and his blood counts, but just being home and sleeping in our own bed would be the best Christmas present we could have.

Besides that, everything else has been going great. Everyday we realize how much God is watching out for us and how we shouldn't worry about the minuscule things of life. We are soo lucky for everything that has been given to us and how great our life is. This is only a short trial of our faith. My mom sent me this verse from her bible study earlier this week and it is perfect for our situation so I thought I would share:

1 Peter 1:6-7
vs. 6
So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while.
vs. 7
These trials are only to test your faith, to show that it is strong and pure. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold – and your faith is far more precious to God than mere gold. So if your faith remains strong after being tried by fiery trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.


Anonymous said...

Hello Brian and Amanda my is Chandra I work with Brian at the Plano site and I just wanted to tell you that I am praying and believing God for a complete and total healing for Brian. Amanda you are truly a strong woman of God and your faith is what is going to pull you two through this. Stay strong and encouraged and remember this trial is only temporary and what your going through now is going to help someone else. I love you both. Your sister in Christ, Chandra.

Anonymous said...

Hey Brian and Amanda, Tim and I just want to let you know that we love you guys and are in constant prayer for Brian's healing and strength for the two of you. If there is anything we can do from here for you, please do not hesitate to let us know. Take care and please know that our prayers are with you both!

Anonymous said...

Still praying! Don't get too discouraged. God is Great! We love you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Genesis 1:29 - “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat[food]."

(Diet of raw fruits and vegetables. He also encouraged to drink a lot of carrot juice).

Brian and Amanda-

Hi, I worked with Brian at GT, and to remember me Amanda, I sat next to you one year at the casino tables at the GT Christmas party at the Four Seasons downtown. What a fun memorable time we had!

I just found out about your blog and read it in it's entirety and it really touched my heart. I continue to pray for Brian and for you in that God will give you both the strength necessary to make it through this together.

I would like to share with you the attached website. I believe it will assist you in your road to recovery, and for a healthier lifestyle which God set forth for us all.

There is some really good information on the site like the book "Why Christians get Sick".

There are encouraging testimonies, and healthy diets that are available, which are given to us directly from God as written in the Bible.

Be true to Gods will, laugh often and stay in love. It is true God does have a plan and all he asks of us is to keep our faith true to him.

Take care
Debra Smith (Woodward)

Donna Canada said...

Hi, Amanda & Brian,
Just to let you know that we prayed for you guys at our Wednesday night ladies' prayer group. You are always on my heart! Lots of love and prayers,